It didn't take me long to figure out how to thread it but that was just the beginning. I learnt quickly that cheapo threads were not gonna cut it as they snapped almost instantly. Moon thread for me from now on :D
I mastered a three thread overlocking stitch and promptly overlocked everything i'd ever made, that was fun! Then i had a go with four threads, oooh lovely! Some fabrics it looked great on and others it was quite working out...hmmm time to twiddle those tensions disks.... it either got worse or made no difference. I started to get a little frustrated so i signed myself up for a day course in basic overlocking. Then spent the next two months in a constant state of excitement counting down the days :D Within the first half an hour i had my eureka moment.... move the cutting plates!!! If there's too much fabric gathering between your looper threads cut it shorter and vice versa! Immediately i had the skills to perfect the quality of the finished products. Then it was on to the other awesome and fun things overlockers can do! Gathering is sooo cool and i can't wait to make something with a lettuce edge...
I went home and practice some skills by overlocking a little bag out of some scraps and cutting the hem off a chiffon dress and doing a rolled hem instead :D
I went to my fave fabric shop yesterday (Barry's in Brum) and bought myself some challenging fabric that frays like there is no tomorrow! Awesome! Its all cut out and overlocked. Hoping to have a finished garment by tonight....
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