Sunday, 15 March 2020

McCall's M7332 spring blazer Part Two

The next stage was to see up the lining in the same manner as the front and back panels. They were then placed right sides together with the outer fabric and sewn together

Leave the arm holes free then you can flip the whole thing the right way around. I then understitched as much as I could to stop the lining from rolling out and being visible from the front. Under stitching is always worth the effort to make your garment look neat and we'll made! I overlooked the arm holes to prevent fraying whilst I hand stitched the sleeve linings.

I think I would have found attaching the sleeves really difficult if I didn't have the dress form. If you don't have one, I'd advise hanging the jacket on a hanger for this bit. It'll ensure you aren't attaching the lining shorter than the outer fabric as the sleeve won't hang well if you do.

And here's the finished piece! Just waiting for some nicer weather to give it it's first outing now!!